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September - December 2022

7 September. Back after six weeks away in Spain, too long really, missed an invite to the Bakers’ Company dinner today.

8 September. A memorable day in more ways than one. Started with Common Hall at 6pm. All going well until Past Master Bond informed me at 6:30 that Her Majesty the Queen had passed away. After a minute’s silence, it was decided that the evening would continue with the dinner. The catering industry has had, through the past two years, enough problems with cancellations. A subdued evening and one no one who was there will ever forget where they were on that sad day. As the only Livery event in the city that night we were probably the first to drink a toast to the new Monarch, King Charles III.

13 September. Ukrainian Embassy, dinner, thanking the Livery for their support. Cancelled.

14 September. Fueller’s Company Ezra lecture. Cancelled

20 September. Jailed and bailed. Cancelled till 31st January 2023. Thank you to all supported me, I have raised £4000.

21 September. Arts Scholars’ committee meeting. Air Pilots Lecture.

22 September. Arts Scholars’ Committee meeting.

23 September. Wearing a different hat, City Livery Club Executive meeting then the Sheriff’s Ball in the evening where we had a table of 10 Arts Scholars, it was great fun.

26 September. Installed as a Freeman of the Glaziers Company as I collect stained glass.

27 September. Turners Company Livery Lunch. RSStG Council meeting (Another hat I wear).

28 September. Evening reception at Mansion House to celebrate 500 years of the Masons’ Company with the Lord Mayor and Duke of Gloucester where he remarked on our very vibrant badge, “what is the squirrel for”, he asked.

29 September. Breakfast at Guildhall given by Cook & Butler for Masters and Clerks preceding the election of the Lord Mayor. It was also the memorial service for Roddy Caxton Spencer which I unfortunately missed.

3 October. Glovers’ lunch for consorts only. Modern Livery Companies Dinner at Armourers Hall. We will host this event in March 2023 before it reverts to the Mariners as the 1st Modern company, because no one has followed us yet as the last.

4 October. Glaziers’ banquet at their hall south of the river.

7 October. Battle of Britain Lunch RAF Club.

11 October. Food tasting with Party Ingredients in Docklands for the CLC AGM banquet.

17 October. City Consorts’ Dinner at St Barts Great Hall, and Sonya Zucherman, one of our Liverymen and a Court Assistant, was elected Chairman.

18 October. Deborah as consort had afternoon tea with the new Lady Mayoress at Guildhall.

19 October. Arts Scholars’ Committee meetings.

25 October. Invite to the launch of Adrian Waddingham’s book on the only English Pope at Haberdashers Hall.

31 October. Arts Scholars’ Livery Dinner at Innholders, well attended with 80 members present.

1 November. More food tasting, this time at Mansion House for the RSStG.

2 November. Installed as Senior Vice President of the City Livery Club.

3 November. Outgoing Lord Mayor’s coffee morning and the outgoing Lady Mayoresses reception tea party in the afternoon.

7 November. Lord Mayor’s thanksgiving at Mansion House.

8 November. Ward of Cheap Lunch Guildhall.

9 November. Committee meetings in the morning and a fund-raising event for the London Air Ambulance at Drapers’ Hall in the evening with the Lord Mayor.

10 November. Arts Scholars’ Committee meetings.

11 November. Silent ceremony at Guildhall to swear in the new Lord Mayor where, as the newest Livery company we lead the procession into the Great Hall and then are the last out. This was followed by the Presentation of Addresses to the Lord Mayor.

12 November. Lord Mayor’s Show and invited for lunch on his return. A pleasant morning with a champagne reception beforehand and seats on the pavement outside Mansion House to watch the return.

13 November. Remembrance service at St Pauls and then we processed down Cheapside to the steps of the Royal Exchange for a further laying of wreaths. We were one of only 12 livery companies invited to take part.

14 November. Masters & Clerks lunch at the Farmers Company, then on to the Old Bailey for the presentation of addresses to the Sheriffs.

15 November. Deborah, my consort, hosted a lunch at Guildhall on behalf of the Arts Scholars and invited 32 fellow consorts, with John Benjamin kindly giving a talk.

21 November. Food tasting at Ironmongers Hall for the CLC.

22 November - 2 December ill with Diverticulitis, so unfortunately missed the following events, (these events mentioned so the company knows what we get invited to).

23 November. Food tasting, meeting the new Lord Mayor and dinner with the Shipwrights where we were represented by Graham our Senior Warden.

24 November. Turners’ Company patronal service at St Bride’s Church and lunch at Apothecaries but did manage the Glaziers’ installation banquet.

25 November. Managed to attend, though not very well, the Broad Street Ward club lunch at Guildhall.

27 November. Missed the Advent Service at the Tower but Deborah did a reading.

29 November. Missed three events this day the most important being my 1st admissions ceremony which was very ably managed by Past Master John Spanner.

30 November. Missed two events today, a reception at the Old Bailey by one of the Sheriff’s consorts and the City Celebration Banquet with the Educators.

1 December. Missed chairing the Arts Scholars Winter court meeting.

12 December. Now back to normal? Lunch with the Glaziers.

14 December. CLC festive Christmas lunch at Ironmongers.

16 December. RSStG Christmas Banquet at Mansion House with Past Master Ian Luder stepping in as Lord Mayor Locum Tenens.

30 December. My 80th birthday.

To be continued next year and I trust that you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all.




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Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed by the author of this blog post do not necessarily reflect those of the Worshipful Company of Arts Scholars or its members.

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