9th January. First event of the year to the Glaziers’ Company for an early celebration to herald in the Chinese New Year, the year of the Rabbit, organised by Mai Sim Lai and the Malaysian society, entertained with traditional Chinese music and of course Chinese food.
13th January. 9am City Livery Club executive meeting then on to the New Year Livery service at St Michael’s Church Cornhill and then a luncheon reception provided by the Drapers at Drapers’ Hall.
16th January. Gresham College with the Educators on the role of Gresham College and their free lectures which are viewed Worldwide. Lloyd Grossman was one of the speakers.
18th January. Deborah has a Consorts visit and lunch on HMQS Wellington on the Embankment hosted by The Master Mariners Consort, I went to Mansion House with Alan (Clerk) and Graham for a food tasting for the Banquet on the 30th of January.
20th January. Committee meeting and the Fish & Chip lunch.
23rd January. Ward of Cheap installation lunch.
24th January. University of London Officer Training Corp cocktail party with Deborah.
30th January. Arts Scholars annual banquet with the Lord Mayor and Civic Party at Mansion House.
31st January. Off to the Old Bailey where I was accused of various spurious misdemeanours by Sheriff Alastair King, given a Ball and chain to wear and taken to the Tower of London and only released on payment of my bail money, which was over £4000, the Arts Scholars being the most generous of the 30 Masters present.
7th February. Saddlers’ Hall to sample the caterer’s fare.
8th February. Guest of the Needlemakers at their annual banquet at Mansion House.
9th February. Deb had a consort’s lunch with the Tax advisors and we both attended the Educators Franklin Lecture at Gresham College, chaired by Loyd Grossman.
14th February. Big Curry Lunch launch at Guildhall, Deb then had afternoon tea with the Lady Mayoress in her private apartment Mansion House.
15th February. Guest at the Livery Lounge Party lunch at Guildhall.
16th February. Another food tasting at Brewer’s Hall for the Modern Livery companies’ dinner.
20th February. Banquet with the Glaziers at Glaziers’ Hall.
22nd February. Our own Anthology of Skills.
23rd February. The Richard Gardener’s annual dinner with the Turners’ Company.
2nd March. Past master’s meeting and then Election Court Dinner at Guildhall.
10th March. ULOTC annual dinner for 200 cadets at their headquarters in Handle Street.
13th March. Hosted the Modern Livery Companies Bi-annual dinner at Brewers Hall for the 31 companies formed since the middle of the 20th century plus the companies awaiting Livery.
14th March. Pocket Lunch at Guildhall then off to the Furniture Makers annual dinner at Furniture Makers’ Hall.
21st March. Aldgate Ward Club installation at Guildhall.
23rd March. The Turners Company Masters & Clerks lunch at Cutlers’ Hall and the Lord Mayor’s Masters Banquet at Mansion House.
24th March. United Guilds Service at St Pauls and then off to Guildhall for a banquet in the evening to celebrate 900 years of Barts Hospital.
29th March. Lunch with the Judges at the Old Bailey hosted by Sheriff Alastair King then off to Guildhall for an Arts Scholars’ admissions ceremony.
30th March. The Big Curry Lunch at Guildhall.
12th April. Visit to the Royal Collection Workshops at Marlborough House London.
25th April. Deb off to a Consorts’ lunch with the Leathersellers and then both of us to the Glaziers Spring Dinner at Glaziers’ Hall.
26th April. The Treloars dinner at Mansion House attended by the Lord Mayor and Civic Party.
27th April. Another interesting Eva Weininger lecture with Clive Stewart-Lockhart.
3rd May. Membership committee meeting.
5th May. Coronation Lunch with Life’s Kitchen at Pewter’s Hall.
7th May. Hari Raya High Tea with the Malaysian Society.
9th May. Lunch at the RAC club with 13 other masters and consorts hosted by the Master Actuary then off to Buckingham Palace for the Garden Party with the Prince and Princess of Wales.
10th May. 3-hour Coronation Cruise from the Tower to Battersea then up to Greenwich and back to the Tower.
11th May. Mansion House with the Lord Mayor for the Big Curry Lunch thankyou which raised over £400.000, £100.00 more than last year.
12th May. National Liberal Club Livery dinner.
16th May. Civic reception for Pewter Live at Pewterers’ Hall.
17th May. Mercers company concert and dinner.
20th May. Sheriff Marsden and Marian’s wedding at St Brides and reception and lunch on the main concourse Old Bailey.
25th May. Last event for Deb, consort’s afternoon tea at Needlemakers. Hand over to my successor Graham Barker