About the Company

Past Masters
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2022 - 2023

Past Master for

Alan S. Cook
Alan S. Cook deals in antique weapons and is a Liveryman of the Gunmakers and the Turners. He is also a member of the Guild of Freemen, the Ward of Cheap, the City Livery Club, the Royal Society of St George and a Freemason.
Alan Initially worked for BEA, then Trusthouse Forte, helping to open the first duty-free shops at Heathrow and Gatwick. He was a manager with Tesco for ten years, managing its largest stores.
He then left to work in South Africa, but due to the unrest in Soweto he never actually went. As a stop-gap he became a minicab driver where he met Mr Don Donald, an antiques dealer who changed his path and introduced him to the world of antique weapons.
After six years together Mr Donald died, and Alan took over the business. Alan has dealt in antique weapons for over 30 years and has no thoughts of retirement. He continues to attend arms fairs both here and abroad.