About the Company

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Middle Warden

John Benjamin
John Benjamin is a jewellery historian, lecturer, author and broadcaster. Formerly Director of Jewellery at Phillips International Fine Art Auctioneers, he launched his own independent valuation and advisory consultancy on behalf of the private client network in 1999.
John gives presentations on a range of jewellery-related topics in the UK and overseas and is an established speaker, amongst others, for The Arts Society and the National Federation of Women’s Institutes. He is author of Starting to Collect Antique Jewellery and is co-author with Paul Atterbury of The Jewellery and Silver of H.G. Murphy.
John is a well-known contributor to BBC Television’s ever-popular Antiques Roadshow. A member of the Art Workers Guild and a Freeman of The Goldsmiths’ Company he was appointed Honorary Jewellery Adviser to the National Trust in 2021.