19 May Well, there I was on the 19th May installed as the 16th Master of our fantastic Company, an emotional ceremony for me, no more so than when I said my declaration as Master. Fantastic banquet afterwards which everyone who attended will attest to. I was honoured by the appearance of Sheriff & Alderman Alison Gowman on her way home after coming from an event to offer me her good wishes
20 May The next day I had a cataract operation.
23 May My first event was going to the Glaziers’ Company for their annual prize giving on the 23rd of May, I was so impressed and as I collect stained glass, I joined the company.
24 May Next day an invite to the annual prize giving of the Tin Plate workers.
25 May Followed on the 25th by a very enjoyable visit to Belmont house where 16 of us had an enjoyable lunch and the run of the house, a fascinating place.
2 June A quiet time then until 2nd June where in my capacity as Junior Vice President of The City Livery Club I was invited to a civic event on the roof garden of the Nomura Bank on Upper Thames Street where the Lord Mayor lit the City’s beacon. This event was in conjunction with the Rotary who asked me to auction off a painting for them (perhaps a career change is coming).
8 June Wednesday the 8th we had a good attendance at the ceremony of the keys, preceded by an interesting talk by our chaplain in St Peter ad Vincula and drinks in the Yeoman Warders mess.
9 June Next day I went to the Old Bailey for the book launch of fellow member HH Judge Wendy Joseph QC. I got the book on Audible.
10 June We drove to Sheffield on Friday 10th for the Livery Masters weekend and listened to Wendy’s book (Unlawful Killings) on the way up, most interesting. The weekend was well attended, very busy and tiring. The Cutlers of Hallamshire certainly looked after us. A new Masters & Consorts year group was started. The name, you guessed it “The Platinums”.
16 June On the 16th I attended the 750th anniversary of the granting of the Fishmongers’ charter, held in the presence of HRH The Princess Royal and the Lord Mayor. Pol Roger, best bubbly yet.
18 June The 18th saw 31 of us off to Romania. What a fantastic trip, unspoilt countryside around the Carpathian Mountains. A visit to Prince Charles’s house and as he wasn’t at home, we got to have a look inside, the whole trip was a fantastic success and enjoyed by all.
29 June Next event on the 29th was a 2-day trip to Blackpool with Deb and my good friend and his wife, the President of the City Livery Club, Shai Umradia. We travelled up for the Brigantes breakfast but not before on the previous day enjoying ourselves in the Pleasure Gardens. We took in all the rides and finished on the big one, the Pepsi Max. Next day the Brigantes breakfast started at 10am with reflections on the comedians from the past at Blackpool by Johnny Ball. Breakfast was actually lunch with a half hour display from two of the Strictly dancers. After lunch a visit to the top of the tower looking down through the glass floor, then a 4-hour drive home.
1 July Friday 1st July, off to Founders’ Hall for a lunch with the trustees to meet some of the recipients of our charity awards.
4 July Monday 4th July to the Old Bailey for the AGM of the Sheriffs’ and Recorder’s fund which helps released prisoners to get a new start in life. Very interesting with a talk from the head of HM prisons.
5 July a day off to Hampton Court flower show.
7 July lunch as a guest of Alderman & Sheriff Alison Gowman in the Judges dining room at the Old Bailey and then to the Leathersellers in the evening with our clerk for a banquet in their new hall.
12 July Two Arts Scholars committee meetings.
13 July One committee meeting and then a visit to the Goldsmiths’ centre with the Gold & Silver Wyre Drawers to see some of the students work, the event was attended by Sheriff Nicholas Lyons.
14 July One committee meeting then off to the Turners’ Company, yes more drinks and not enough food to feed a sparrow to see some of their bursary winner’s work.
16 July Cart Marking in Guildhall Yard, Ian Luder LM locum Tenens in attendance. Lunch afterwards in the Great Hall.
22 July Bishopsgate Ward Club lunch in Guildhall Crypt in Morning dress then a quick change into White Tie for a banquet at Mansion House with the City Livery Club.
25 July Cataract operation today. Right eye, this time.
26 July Master & Clerks black tie dinner at Painters & Stainers, a small group of 60 with musical entertainment.
28 July off to Spain until 7th September.